Strong abs is really an important part in virtually every sport, starting from golf to running. Strengthening of the abdominal part is that much important for keeping the basic health and to keep you free of any type of injury. So strong abs helps to keep the spine stable and keep you away from injuring your back due to any sudden movements.
Six Pack Abs Diet look extraordinary but one should kindly remember, that for ninety five percent of people, doing abs workouts will not get the desired six pack abs. If you desire to see your magnificent six pack abs, you have to lose great amount of weight and have to drop your body fat to below ten percent level. Not only the strong abs are important in sports and but they are needed for basic health.
The plank exercises are really very much effective for strengthening and toning of the abs. The following exercises are just a few of with which you can get yourself started. But after a few weeks of practicing, if you have mastered these exercises for the beginners, then you may try researching for some more difficult abs workouts.
The hand and foot exercise is good to mix with the pushup for making abs strong. You have to hold your body to a standard pushup position and then have to lift both your right leg and your left arm simultaneously into the air. Hold the same position for at least fifteen seconds. Then slowly set them down and again lift both your left leg and the right arm for fifteen seconds just like before. You should do four sets of twelve each for the best results. There is a wide variation in the standard pushup practice in abs workouts that works out the stomach almost in an exclusive manner.